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Journal Editorial Policy

The Editorial Board supports Budapest Open Access Initiative, which is aimed at available and free access to scientific knowledge that promotes accelerating science development.

The Editorial staff is actively working on the Collection to be included to the international electronic libraries, catalogs and science-based databases in order to join the world scientific information space, raising both the rating of the Collection itself and the indexes of the citation of its authors.

The Editorial staff of the Collection of scientific papers «Economy of the transport complex» hopes that their activities will contribute to the national economic science development.


We provide a platform for economists (researchers, theorists, practitioners, and experts) to share their knowledge, research results, theories or views on the socio-economic development of the Ukrainian transport complex at both macro- and meso- or micro-levels of the problem-solving.


• methodological one consists in ensuring a productive dialogue between economists;

• practical one is to help scientists distribute their results and ideas among business representatives;

• the research one involves publishing the results of innovative applied researches improving the efficiency of economic structures and economic socialization;

• the educational one means the higher school education commitment to the changes in the content of the economic systems, the exchange of economic science teaching experience as well as cross-cultural competence development.

• ecological task is provided insight by the sense of the strategic benchmark: the economy should be ecological, and the ecology - economical.

Context Column