Review of the scientific article
1. Relevance of the problem and the topic of the article ___________________________________________
2. Compliance of the content of the article with its title ___________________________________________
3. Compliance of the content of the article with a topical orientation of the collection “Economics of the Transport Complex”
4. Presence of a scientific novelty, the level of substantiation of the obtained scientific results, originality of the ideas ___________________________________________
5. Positive aspects of the article ___________________________________________
6. Reasonability of publication of the article ___________________________________________
7. Research literature and other sources of information which the research is based on
8. Shortcomings and supplements which should be made by the author ___________________________________________
9. General conclusion
(to recommend to the publication, to recommend after elimination of the errors, to do not recommend)
Reviewer _____________ Surname, initials