Випуск 28
УДК 330.322.05
P. 108-117.
The existing approaches to assessing enterprise management efficiency have been analysed in the article. The main purpose of the article is to improve the methodological approach to express assessment of the enterprise management efficiency through the application of standard system of scoring criteria. This system allows classifying the criteria by assigning them the relevant laws of their rate of growth ratio. The use of standard system of scoring criteria has been justified, and the system that complies with its construction rules has been offered in the article. On the basis of that system the accounting data of a motor transport enterprise have been analyzed and the conclusions about the level of the enterprise management efficiency have been drawn. The article contains the description of steps and the result of the express assessment. The technique allows for fast assessment results, provides means for identifying areas for management improvement and does not require large amounts of reference information for calculations.
Key words: enterprise management efficiency, standard system of scoring criteria, ranking method.
L. АCHKASOVA, Cand. Sc. (Econ.),
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
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