Випуск 26
УДК 658:656.13.032
Р. 106-119.
The problem of forming the value of services of passenger motor transport is considered in this article. The purpose of the article is substantiation and development of the process of forming the value of these services. On the basis of the analysis of existent processes of forming the value of goods and services, the developed method for determining parameters and magnitude of value of passenger motor transport services, with the use of the systems analysis method, the process of forming the value of these services has been developed. The proposed process allows motor transport enterprises to form the parameters of the service which represent its value, providing their maximal closeness to the requirements of passengers for increasing the total value of the service, competitiveness and efficiency of activities. We suggest forming the parameters of the services value taking into account the level of customers’ satisfaction with these parameters. The developed process of forming the value of services of passenger motor transport can be used for forming the value of other services taking into account their features.
Key words: service, value, passenger, forming, satisfaction, scale.
V. SHYNKARENKO, D. Sc. (Econ.), S. LEGKIY, Cand. Sc. (Econ.),
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
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