Випуск 23
УДК 658:656.13.033
Р. 124-134.
In this article, the issue of price strategy formation for passenger motor transport enterprises has been discussed. The aim of the article is to substantiate the composition and sequence of steps to form a price strategy for passenger motor transport enterprises under conditions of their market-orientated activities. The article analyzes the existing approaches to the composition and sequence of steps to form a price strategy for various industries with their advantages and drawbacks revealed. Basing on results of this analysis and using the method of system analysis, a model of forming a price strategy for passenger motor transport enterprises under conditions of their market-orientated activities has been developed. This model allows developing an efficient price strategy for establishing a level and price dynamics in order to represent passengers’ requirements to services and ensure maximum financial results for enterprises that function in fierce competitive markets. We suggest forming a price strategy for enterprises on the basis of their marketing strategy, integrating market strategy developing and pricing into price strategy development. The suggested process allows its use to develop price strategies for enterprises of other industries with consideration of specific features of their pricing.
Key words: price strategy, formation, chart, integration.
S. LEGKIY, Cand., Econ. Sc.,
Donetsk Academy of Motor Transport
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