Випуск 27
УДК 001.895:330.341.1
Р. 88-105.
This article discusses the main methods of formation and selection of a company’s innovative projects portfolio. The main purpose of the research is to develop guidelines for the formation and selection of the optimal portfolio of company’s innovation projects. The methodology for selecting innovation priorities of the enterprise has been improved based on the scenario approach, unlike the existing techniques, which will allow focusing on those directions of the enterprise’s activities which call for innovation most notably. On this basis, the company can form its portfolio of the required innovation projects. The improved guidelines for the formation of innovative projects portfolio of the company make it possible to select the best alternative portfolio of the enterprise’s innovative projects by means of morphological analysis and synthesis. On the basis of the morphological matrix, alternative portfolios of the enterprise’s innovative projects have been formed, and taking into account various criteria and using the analytic hierarchy process, the best portfolio has been selected. This technique for selecting innovation priorities and creating the optimal portfolio of innovation projects can be applied to any businesses and organizations. The proposed method allows us to correlate the willingness of the enterprise with its ability for the innovative projects implementation in various business processes.
Key words: innovation, innovation project, project portfolio, innovation priorities, morphological analysis, alternatives, optimal portfolio, analytic hierarchy process.
I. FEDOTOVA, Cand. Sc. (Econ.),
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
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