Випуск 23
УДК 330:656.07
Р. 59-66.
In this article a conceptual model of strategic controlling of enterprises is suggested. The purpose of the research is to improve the strategic management system based on the concept of strategic controlling. Using the methods of analysis in the study of modern strategic management, the main shortcomings of existing management systems of response to the changes in internal and external environment are identified. Strategic management requires continuous improvement and search for a new effective tool for achieving the goals of the enterprise strategy. As a result of a systematic approach the improvement of modern strategic management based on a conceptual model of controlling has been developed and offered. This model provides detection, assessment and analysis of the internal and external threats during the implementation of the strategy. Controlling model is relevant in the management of freight transport enterprises.
Кey words: strategic controlling, conceptual model, threats to internal and external environment, the control point, the implementation of the strategy.
L. CHESNAKOVA, Cand., Econ. Sc., K. SOFIYCHUK, Assistant,
National Transport University
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