Випуск 23
УДК 656.07:331.5
Р. 145-155.
The article is devoted to the issues related to the implementation of personnel marketing (PM) control process within enterprises. The main purpose is to clarify the place of PM control, to define phases of its implementation and their essence. To ensure the successful realization of the control it is necessary, primarily, to define its objectives and the criteria according to which it should be monitored. In this article the modern approaches as to the PM process development are discussed; the criteria that must meet the process in order to ensure the effective and successful implementation of PM within an enterprise are defined. According to the identified criteria the PM control process was developed; it allows taking into consideration the MP process results from the previous periods to theoretically predict its future results, to make process adjustments on time and implement effective management decisions. The results can be used not only by the motor transport enterprises but also by any other economic sector enterprises.
Key words: control objectives, personnel marketing control, personnel marketing control process.
O. GLADKA, Assistant,
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
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