Випуск 27
УДК 331.108:656.13
Р. 29-41.
The study has reviewed the processes for developing strategies of personnel management, which exist in scientific literature, according to the types of personnel policy of an enterprise. The main purpose of the article is to suggest methodical guidelines on developing the strategy of personnel management according to the types of personnel policy of the enterprise by distinguishing and defining the main stages, making links between them and developing methodical tools for the implementation of this process.
It has been found out that the vast majority of existing processes for developing strategies according to the types of personnel policy of the enterprise are general in nature and do not contain explanations and clarifications on their implementation in practice.
The detailed analysis of the considered processes allowed us to come to the conclusion that along with the existing theoretical developments they have certain limitations and drawbacks: the suggested personnel management strategies according to the types of personnel policy are quite general and require clarification of their content; clear links between personnel management strategies developed by the types of personnel policy, distinguished according to various criteria (or one of them) are not reflected; there is a lack of methodical tools and guidelines for their development.
Improving the process of developing personnel management strategy in compliance with personnel policy of the enterprise involves the stage of defining its generic type by combining
appropriate types according to two traditional characteristics of personnel policy and its major objectives. Such an approach, unlike the existing ones, can simultaneously take into account
various factors that significantly affect this strategy when determining appropriate strategies for personnel management under personnel policy.
The suggested methodical guidelines for developing personnel management strategy
according to the types and objectives of personnel policy of the enterprise can be applied to its selection and implementation at any enterprises to ensure the efficiency of the staff.
Key words: personnel policy, strategy, alternative solutions.
O. KRYVORUCHKO, D. Sc. (Econ.); T. VODOLAZHSKA, Cand. Sc. (Econ.),
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
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