Випуск 27
УДК 656.07:331.5
P. 5-14.
The article deals with the theoretical issues of personnel marketing as a type of the managerial activity within a company. The main purpose of the article is to substantiate fundamental provisions for developing the personnel marketing concept. Today in the literature authors are most often pointing out to the existence of certain provisions that can be included in the personnel marketing concept, but at the same time these authors do not try to substantiate the concept. Analysis of the contemporary scientific papers has revealed the commonly accepted provisions of the personnel marketing concept (such as «increasing the employees’ satisfaction with their labor», «increasing the employees’ loyalty», «reduction of staff turnover», etc.), and their shortcomings have been identified. In the article the availability of two types of products of per-sonnel marketing on the labor market has been substantiated; according to this assumption the personnel marketing concept can be formed from two perspectives - from the enterprise-employer’ perspective and from the employees’ one. However, it is expedient to substantiate provisions of the personnel marketing concept from the perspective of the enterprise-employer, because it reflects the basic essence of this type of managerial activity. Therefore, based on fundamental provisions of the classic marketing concept, as well as taking into account the existing and the identified personnel marketing provisions, the personnel marketing concept was substantiated (from the perspective of the enterprise-employer). The results were also interpreted graphically. They can be used both in the theory of personnel marketing, and for developing practical recommendations to implement this type of activity at enterprises from any economic sector.
Key words: personnel marketing, marketing concept, personnel marketing concept.
O. KRYVORUCHKO, D. Sc. (Econ.); O. GLADKA, Cand. Sc. (Econ.),
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
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