Випуск 23
УДК 331.101.3
Р. 23-36.
This article discusses approaches to determining the level of an enterprise personnel loyalty. The main purpose of this research is to develop and study methodological bases for estimation of the level of employee loyalty to the company, the bases covering all directions of interaction in the system of worker–enterprise. On the basis of loyalty diagnostics matrix and the method of radar it is suggested to estimate each employee loyalty to the organization, based on determination of complex indexes of behavioral and perceived loyalty of an employee. The presented matrix of personnel loyalty estimation allows defining a level and type of every worker loyalty, and joining the staff in different groups that will facilitate the development of loyalty programs for them. Methodological bases and the algorithm are developed for the implementation of an individual approach to the estimation and development of loyalty of enterprise personnel. The offered approach to determining the personnel loyalty level can be applied to any company and organization. At the individual estimation of employee loyalty it is possible to concentrate the company’s resources to attract and keep those, who are the most valuable and relevant for the enterprise. It will allow increasing the efficiency of the production process, labour productivity, and creating favorable pre-conditions for modernization and growth of the enterprise.
Key words: personnel loyalty, perceived loyalty, behavioral loyalty, satisfaction, cooperation, affection.
I. FEDOTOVA, Cand., Econ. Sc.,
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
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