Випуск 24
УДК 658:656.13.033
P. 125-138.
The main goal of logistics management is to achieve a high quality level of motor transport services in order to fulfill consumer requirements at minimum cost. Therefore, the issues related to performance evaluation of logistics systems aimed at determining the level of quality achieved under specific logistics costs are especially topical nowadays.
In the article the methodology for complex performance evaluation of logistics systems at motor transport enterprises has been suggested. It involves the following stages: to define the logistics subsystems and select the criteria to evaluate their efficiency; to identify the boundary values for calculation parameters and develop the scale for their converting to grade points; to determine the aggregates for performance evaluation of logistics subsystems considering their significance. The methodology is based on using actually measurable performance parameters of logistics processes; this fact increases practical value of using it at motor transport enterprises.
Key words: logistics management, logistics costs, transport and logistics systems, efficiency.
I. ANANKO, Сand. Sc. (Econ.),
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
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