Новини редакції журналу
Training of bachelors, masters
direction 073 "Management" за двома освітньо-професійними програмами:
- "Management of Organizations (motor transport)";
- "Логістика"
Features of the specialty
Today’s road transport is the most massive and most progressive industry, which has occupied and firmly held leading positions in different countries’ transport complex. Therefore, specialists in this field, including managers and economists, are in demand at the labour market. Compared to other economic specialties, where the emphasis is put on general economic issues, the specialty "Corporate Management and Administration" provides the study of both economic courses and advanced study of managerial, marketing and logistics courses.
This allows graduates to hold all enterprise appointments as an economist or a manager.
The training of bachelors and masters is focused on the competence development in the field of management of general industrial processes, functional automotive management and economic analytics, strategic and tactical management of transport, logistics processes and resources of the enterprise.
Professional knowledge and skills
• Organization and implementation of planning and economic activity of the enterprise;
• organization and management of logistics systems;
• marketing activity;
• human resources;
• organization and control of such technological processes as passenger and freight transportation, vehicle technical maintenance;
• financial management;
• different RRP (Resource Requirement Planning) and finalization and approval of resource management;
• adoption of integrated effective managerial decisions;
• strategic management;
• corporate and business property restructuring;
• private entrepreneurial business organization and execution.
Organization of the educational process
The curriculum consists of blocks of courses of the humanities, mathematics and professionally oriented cycles. The first two cycles provide with an advanced social and basic economic bachelor training in the field of management, which allows graduates to hold managerial positions at the enterprise of any industry or area of activity. Professionally oriented cycle ensures advanced training in the field of management of motor transport and logistics enterprises providing with knowledge of the features, methods and techniques of practical activities in the field of transportation.
Much attention is paid to the management courses, whose content is focused on comprehensive statistical and analytical work, acquisition of particular skills in making management decisions. Students have their technological and economical or pregraduation practical training at transport industry enterprises and organizations with further potential employment.
Potential Graduate Employability for
• assistant of managers of enterprises, institutions and organizations;
• assistant managers of production and other departments;
• clearing agents (exchange commodity transactions);
• employment agents and contracting agents;
• commercial service agents;
• specialists in the field of labour and employment; (recruiting agents)
• experts in the field of financial and economic security of enterprises, institutions and organizations;
• experts in the field of marketing, business and production efficiency (sale economist, production management engineer, entrepreneur efficiency consultant, marketing consultant, logistician, advertiser);
• experts in the field of economics.
• managers of enterprises, institutions and organizations;
• chief specialists-managers of transport production departments;
• chiefs (other managers) and transport production supervisor;
• heads of financial, economic and administrative departments;
• heads of marketing departments;
• heads of logistics departments;
• transport managers; machinery and equipment leasing managers;
• managers on business issues;
• marketing, administrative, logistics, sourcing, advertising, HR managers;
• experts in the field of economics.
Place of Employment
Road transport companies, logistics companies, technical service stations, distribution and dealer centers.
After getting degree in "Management of Organizations and Administration (Automobile Transport), graduates can undertake further postgraduate study.
Since 2012, students have had the opportunity to study under a double degree program and receive the second certificate of bachelor’s degree from Swiss Montreux Business School that is a higher education institution of business administration in Switzerland This institution has a long history and the highest level of Swiss accreditation recognized throughout the world.
Historical Reference
The Department of Management was founded in 1965 to train high-skilled economic staff for the motor transport enterprise and was called “Motor transport economics and organization”. In 1993 resulting from developing market conditions, the training of economists and managers was started and department received a new name “Management”
Training and Facilities
There are 3 doctors, professors and 15 candidates of economic sciences (PhD in Economics) at the department. All courses are provided with courseware, including on-line lectures. The department has an up-to-date computer classroom, the total area of classrooms is 425 m2.
Enrollment requirements are realized due to competitive selection according to the results of the certificate, issued by Ukrainian Center of Education Quality Assessment, on the following courses: Ukrainian language and literature (subject-oriented), mathematics, geography or foreign language. Information on entrance rules, license limits, and matriculation for free of charge training (under the state order) and for training on contract basis, can be obtained at Admission Office of Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University (KhNAHU)
Additional Information
Students are actively involved in research activities and are annually winners in an all-Ukrainian, regional competitions of scientific works, as well as in the International Olympiads. All students are provided with a dormitory with an Internet classroom and have the opportunity to get military education and training on the basis of Kharkiv military schools. There are a lot of PT sections, amateur centers, Club of the Funny and Inventive and other cultural and creative ways for spending students’ leisure and recreation at the University.
Our address: 61111
Faculty of Management and Business, KhNAHU
3, Vladyslava Zubenko, building A,
(metro station "Academika Pavlova").
Phone numbers: (057) 738-77-99
University address: 61002,
25, Yaroslava Mudrogo St.
(metro station "Pushkinskaya").
Admission Office phone numbers (For Admission Office dial):
(057) 707-37-82, 707-36-83, 700-38-64
Website http://www.khadi.kharkov.ua
E-mail: abitur@khadi.kharkov.ua