Випуск 26
УДК 658.011.12
Р. 89-105.
Theoretical statements related to the establishment of an object while managing the enterprise potential according to the system-cybernetic approach have been considered. The main objective of the article is substantiation of the model of the enterprise potential as an object of control. Composition and structure of the object while managing the enterprise potential have been established by means of developing contextual and decomposition diagrams. The proposed model of the process of formation and the use of the enterprise potential has been developed as a network of interconnected sub-processes: finding out the area of emerging the enterprise resources, conditions of access and sphere of their use; generating the alternatives of the resource filling of the elements of the enterprise potential; selecting one of them or combining some of them, accounting the potential, realization of the potential as a result of interaction of its elements; determination of the level of its use etc. The improved model has been built on the basis of the process approach with the use of methodology of IDEF0 structural analysis.
Key words: potential, resources, efforts, elements, process, management, object of management.
I. Pypenko, Cand. Sc. (Econ.),
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
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