Випуск 26
УДК 658:656.13.033
Р. 66-75.
Rapid socio-economic development, an increase in the complexity of information links, intensive emergence of new technologies and technical achievements have resulted in enhancement of searching and implementing new more flexible approaches to business engineering of modern enterprises. One of such approaches is developing and implementing logistics systems to optimize management of flow processes at the enterprises.
In the article the essence of the concept «logistics system design» has been defined; the methodological basis for modeling logistics systems has been improved on the ground of basic principles to the diagnosis and solution of logistics problems. The practical value of the suggested process lies in ensuring effective coordination of the enterprises’ activities by designing and implementing logistics systems, which give an opportunity to use timely management procedures for optimum employment of resources and cost reduction.
Key words: logistics, logistics system, designing, diagnostics of logistics problems.
I. ANANKO, Cand. Sc. (Econ.),
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
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