Випуск 26
УДК 331.108:656.13
Р. 50-66.
The processes of an enterprise personnel policy development existing in scientific literature have been considered in the research. The main purpose of the article has been to improve the theoretical and methodological approach to developing personnel policy of the enterprise by separating and concretizing its main stages, determinating interrelation between them and developing methodological instruments for the process realization.
Most of the existing processes of personnel policy development have been revealed to be general and not to contain explanations and clarifications on their implementation in practice.
The detailed analysis of the processes considered has enabled to come to a conclusion that with the existing theoretical developments they have certain limitations and shortcomings: there is no representation of clear interrelation between the stages of personnel policy development process; existing types of personnel policy are not or nearly not taken into account by its development; there are no methodological tools for its development.
By improvement of personnel policy development process the stage of determining its generalized desired type has been included in it by combination of appropriate types on different indications. The indication of compliance with the stage of the enterprise life cycle has been included for that in addition to traditional indications of personnel policy. This approach, unlike the existing ones, allows to take into account various factors that significantly influence the personnel policy in the company simultaneously at determining the generilized types.
The offered process of developing enterprise personnel policy can be applied for its choice and implementation at any enterprises, which will ensure more efficient deployment of personnel.
Key words: personnel policy, personnel activities, realtions with personnel.
T. VODOLAZHSKA, Cand. Sc. (Econ.),
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
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