Випуск 28
УДК 331.108:656.13
P. 69-83.
The methods of development of personnel management strategies, existing in scientific literature, have been considered in the research. The main goal of this article is to offer a suitable method of developing the strategies of an enterprise personnel management, which is to the greatest extent free from subjectivism, and methodological provisions of development of the common strategy of personnel management and instrumental strategies of personnel management on its basis.
In the result of a thorough analysis it was revealed that the methods used for development of personnel management strategies are marked by a certain subjectivism; there are neither methodological tools nor provisions for the development of a common strategy nor instrumental strategies of personnel management at the enterprise.
A number of methods of developing personnel management strategies by the types of instrumental strategies and their alternative solutions using the method of conceptual abstraction, taking into consideration the principles of competency-based approach have been suggested in the research. This approach, unlike the existing ones, is an alternative to the single-variant strategies when specifying the appropriate personnel management strategies.
Methodical provisions of working out a common strategy of personnel management and instrumental personnel management strategies of an enterprise can be applied for their choice and implementation at any enterprises which fact will allow increasing the efficiency of personnel performance.
Key words: the strategy of personnel management, alternative solutions, the method of conceptual abstraction.
O. KRYVORUCHKO, D. Sc. (Econ.); T. VODOLAZHSKA, Cand. Sc. (Econ.),
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
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