Випуск 23
УДК 331.108:656.13
Р. 77-90.
In the research the application of the scenario approach to development of strategy for motor transport enterprise personnel management has been considered. The main objective of the article is working out methodological provisions to develop and choose alternative decisions according to the types of instrumental strategies of MTE personnel management on the basis of the scenario approach.
The approaches to development of enterprise personnel management strategies described in modern literature: system, process, contingency one, have been determined. Their thorough analysis allowed to make a conclusion that, as well as existing theoretical and methodological developments, such approaches have certain restrictions and disadvantages. Feasibility of applying the scenario approach to development of such strategies has been determined.
On the basis of application of two-stage scenario approach the scenarios have been built to work out and choose alternative decisions according to the types of instrumental strategies for personnel management implying two stages: at the first stage – A-scenario (abstract) – for the general idea about the process realization; at the second stage – S-scenario (structural) – for its detailed description. Such approach, unlike existing ones, allows receiving several variants of MTE future development and specifying each of the development process stages and choosing alternative decisions according to the types of instrumental strategies for personnel management.
Key words: scenario approach, personnel management strategy, alternative decisions.
O. KRYVORUCHKO, Dr., Econ. Sc., T. VODOLAZHSKA, assistant lecturer,
Kharkіv National Automobile and Highway University
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