Випуск 26
УДК 339.138
P. 37-49.
The basic tools to manage the relationship between an enterprise and different partners are being considered in the article. The main purpose of the research is to improve the theoretical foundations of the system of total management of relations between an enterprise and principle groups of interacted participants taking into account relations with all groups of an enterprise partners. The suggested model is based on a system of total relationship management (TRM) developed by M. Zineldin and allows building a stable structure of relationship between an enter-prise and different groups of partners. The model of total management of an enterprise relations with partners is presented as a TRM house, where the house ground base is the macro factors analysis, the walls are the relationship with key partner groups, the roof is the marketing analysis of the market, opportunities and threats. The developed TRM house model includes some levels: the ground floor – the criteria of relationships quality (object, process, infrastructure, interaction and atmosphere), as quality is the basis for building relationships, and the first floor –building and managing relationships with major partner groups (suppliers, customers, dialers, competitors and others). The system of total management of an enterprise relations with partners can be implemented in all businesses and organizations coordinating relations with each group of part-ners, providing a viable means to develop and support long-term business relationship, obtaining the synergistic effect from cooperation with the partners.
Key words: management, relationships, partner, system, subjects of interaction, consumer, quality, model, cooperation.
I. FEDOTOVA, Cand. Sc. (Econ.),
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
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