Випуск 23
УДК 339.138
Р. 66-76.
The essence of the notions of enterprise “image” and “reputation” is considered. The main purpose of this research is to establish the correlation between them. Based on the analysis of the literary sources the main approaches to the correlation between the notions “image” and “reputation” are identified: according to the first one the notions of “image” and “reputation” are synonymous, to the second – they are not synonymous, being related as follows: a) image is a component of reputation; b) reputation is a component of image; c) reputation is the result of the image, reaction to it; d) image and reputation relate to each other as a form and a content.
The etymology of the notions “image” and “reputation” is studied, the results revealed that the key in determining “image” is the word “imago” and for “reputation” it is “opinion”, “evaluation”.
Based on a system approach and theoretical generalizations the comparative analysis of the investigated notions has been made by the following characteristics: the generic notion, the method of forming, the degree of reflection of the real enterprise characteristics, the level of objectivity, forming tool, orientation of effect, the period of formation (loss), the purpose and sequence of formation, the degree of rationality.
It has been proved that the enterprise image and reputation correlate to each other as a form and content. That means that the image characterizes the stated enterprise position and represents a purposefully formed image in the minds of target groups, and reputation is an objectively developed opinion on the enterprise in the target groups, that was proved in practice.
A clear understanding of the essence of the enterprise image and its difference from reputation would greatly facilitate its creation and improvement.
Key words: correlation between the notions, enterprise image, enterprise reputation, common characteristic, distinctive characteristics.
V. FYODOROVA, Cand., Econ. Sc.,
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
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