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Випуск 25

06/16/17 18:12


By: V. FEDOROVA, Cand. Sc. (Econ.)

УДК 339.138

P. 67-76.

The common features of different types of strategic flexibility have been singled out on the basis of system analysis and theoretical generalizations. Based on this, the essence of the concept of «strategic flexibility» has been defined more exactly, it has been suggested to understand it as an enterprise’s ability to maximize profits or minimize losses (damages) when exposed to unpredictable environmental factors at the expense of the properties of a set of certain types of business. The novelty of this definition lies in the facts that strategic flexibility has been presented as the ability to maximize profits or minimize losses (damages), and the terms of flexibility – the impact of unpredictable environmental factors, as well as the source of its achievement – for the features of a set of certain types of business have been specified.

Key words: strategic enterprise flexibility, ability, unpredictable environmental factors, features of a set of certain types of business.

V. FEDOROVA, Cand. Sc. (Econ.),

Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

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Випуск 25

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