Випуск 26
УДК 656.07:331.5
Р. 143-155.
The main task of the presented paper is to establish the essence and the content of the personnel internal and external marketing. Several goals were set in the paper, namely: to specify and classify distinctive characteristics of personnel internal and external marketing; to specify their definitions. In the recent publications devoted to the identified problems the authors usually do not make distinction between such terms as «personnel marketing», «personnel internal marketing» and «personnel external marketing». Through the content-analysis these terms were classified into three groups; this classification allowed to identify differences between the two types of personnel marketing. Identification of their content and essence allowed determining their distinctive characteristics according to the following features: the purpose of the activity, the target audience, the task of the activity, and the means of realization. The suggested statement about the complementary and mutual interdependence (of the both type of personnel marketing) allowed to identify the way of their realization within an enterprise. It was shown on a scheme which displays the simultaneity of actions aiming to attract the potential personnel and to retain the existing personnel. According to the developed statements and classification the definitions for two types of personnel marketing were formulated. These definitions are reflecting the identified essence and content of the activities and they are not contradicting the higher level activity – the personnel marketing. The results can be implemented in the theory of personnel marketing as well as when introducing it at the enterprise.
Key words: personnel internal marketing, personnel external marketing, personnel marketing implementation.
O. GLADKA, Cand. Sc. (Econ.),
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
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