Випуск 28
УДК 331.108:656.13
P. 118-125.
The methods of development and selection of alternative strategies of personnel management which are described in modern literature have been analyzed in the article. The main purpose of the article is to offer the most effective method and methodological recommendations for selecting alternative solutions for general and instrumental personnel management strategies which would be free of subjectivity and other flaws.
It has been established that nowadays there is a significant number of scientist papers on the development of alternative strategies of personnel management according to the type of instrumental strategies using various methods. However, there exists no single approach, no universal method or technique of selecting the developed alternative solutions for such strategies.
Methodological recommendations for selecting alternative solutions for general and instrumental personnel management strategies using a set of effective methods – the method of paired comparisons and the method of conceptional abstraction, as well as the principles of competence-based approach – have been suggested in the article. This approach, unlike the existing ones, provides an opportunity to choose the most effective alternative solutions for the types of instrumental strategies that are very similar in their nature and content.
The proposed methodological recommendations for selecting alternative solutions for general and instrumental personnel management strategies can be used for their implementation at any enterprise that will provide effective work of its personnel and the whole enterprise.
Key words: personnel management strategy, alternative solutions, paired comparison method.
T. VODOLAZHSKA, Cand. Sc. (Econ.),
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
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