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Випуск 24

06/15/17 23:43


By: V. FEDOROVA, Сand. Sc. (Econ.)

УДК 339.138

P. 153-163.

A multi-level classification of types of motor transport enterprise image has got further development through the use of logical analysis and systematic approach. According to belonging of the image perception subjects to external or internal environment, the image can be classified as an external or internal one. In turn, each of the selected components by the process of image perception is divided into tangible and cognitive image.

In the structure of the external image two levels can be allocated: the service image and the enterprise image. As a tool for forming the service image it is suggested to consider elements of «7P» marketing mix. According to this, the service image is divided into seven components: physical environment, contacts with the staff, price, service, distribution, communications, process. The structure of the external image at the level of the enterprise as a whole except for the service image includes such components as tangible image (the enterprise name, convenience of location, design of buildings and premises, corporate identity, appearance of employees, etc.) and cognitive image (the level of the enterprise loyalty to its customers and partners, understanding of the mission stated, the staff competence and culture, working hours of the enterprise, etc.).

In the structure of the internal enterprise image two levels are distinguished: the personnel image and the image of the enterprise-employer. The personnel image includes moral and psychological climate (cognitive image) as well as working conditions (tangible image). In its turn, the enterprise-employer image in addition to the personnel image includes financial motivation, convenience of the business location design of buildings and premises, corporate identity – the tangible image as well as the level of the enterprise loyalty to its employees, working hours, training and development opportunities, corporate culture – the cognitive image.

Knowing the image types will allow a motor enterprise to form a desired image, which guarantees long-term performance and success in the market.

Key words: types of image, classification, external and internal image, tangible and cognitive image, motor transport enterprise image, service image, collective image, enterprise-employer image.

V. FEDOROVA, Сand. Sc. (Econ.),

Kharkіv National Automobile and Highway University

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Випуск 24

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